Back with a Bang!
It's been a little while since Nest Bespoke has kept you in the loop, but don’t worry; we’re still here, and boy do we have some exciting projects coming up!
Along with some new team members, we’ve also been busy on some great projects fresh off the press, and some new installments that are also on the way to spice up your 2019!
After- Cinderella, Springwood.
To start off the new year, our Nest Bespoke team finished Cinderella in Springwood, the perfect Hampton-style doctor’s clinic that will make your doctor visits out of the ordinary!
This gorgeous renovation got its name based on its “rags to riches” like appeal. Beginning as an old and dilapidated collection on shops, the project eventually transformed into a white-boarded and modernised building, ready to welcome its patients in a settled and calming environment.
Before- Cinderella, Springwood.
Manly West.
Our Manly West project has also had some developments, with a new photoshoot to assist the amazing features of this beauty by the Bayside!
If you’re looking for a house with a homely appeal and an edge, then this is the place for you! This home immediately captivates you with its stark contrast of colours, along with the use of wood and tiled compositions on the inside and outside of the home. This is certainly one house you can’t miss!
The new builds don’t stop there! While this beauty is still in its beginning stages and is currently a work-in-progress, there is no reason to discount it at all! Take a sneak peek at our new projects which are all designed and constructed to a luxury calibre with an affordable price!
We’re currently getting our heads into this new Queenslander located in Wynnum, all thanks to the help of David Wright House Removers and Demolition for helping us get this beauty on site in top shape!
Payne Street, Indooroopily project.
We’ve also got our new up and coming project on Ara Street in Camp Hill, which is a real game changer!
The new build will be located in Camp Hill is like none of the other houses completed so far, with the block containing two houses side-by-side and being custom made. Despite two builds on what is currently one block, each home still contains five bedrooms, two lounges, three bathrooms and concrete pool for those hot Queensland summers!
Up and coming Wynnum project.
Over the past year, we’ve also been working on our Payne Street project in Indooroopilly!
Although the project has had to overcome some site difficulties, such as flood overlay and multiple utility services, the project has been designed by Nest to overcome these obstacles to become a show-stopper!
Ara Street, Camp Hill Project.