Did you know we also build pools??

We are now well into 2018 and the Christmas break is becoming a distant (but fantastic!) memory. My family and I enjoyed a 3 week break in the caravan up on the Sunshine Coast. The boys loved cruising the park on their bikes and hitting the beach every day whilst and mum and dad enjoyed time without the usual technology, kicking back and relaxing. Its the longest break we've had for as long as I can remember, but we are back and well rested to take on the year which is off to a cracking pace.

Its this time of year that many people are considering the benefits of a pool to keep the family cool and entertained in the summer heat. Luckily, Nest Bespoke Homes is one of the few custom builders that also build pools themselves. Rather than directing our customers to other pool contractors, we have the expertise and capability to design, integrate and build and custom pools into new or existing homes. The benefit of this to our customers is that our pools are well considered in how they integrate into the floor levels and aesthetic of the home.

We are excited about kicking off three new pools in the coming weeks. Below are a couple of examples of pools we ahve delivered over the last year.


If you've been thinking about installing a pool in your existing home, or as part of your new dream home, give us a call today for a free quote.

Saul Edmonds